Our innovative IviaSAT 2000 shaft alignment tool is the most comprehensive alignment system available for vertical shafts in hydroelectric units.  It consists of 3 subsystems: 1) two sets of inclinometers, US (x), and I (y), one set each for the generator shaft and turbine shaft; 2) 4 sets of proximity probes to measure shaft throw during rotation checks; 3) electronic slug arc system for equalizing Kingsbury jack screw type thrust bearings, and for making precise movements of the thrust bearing shoes to bring the shafts to plumb tolerance while maintaining load equalization.   Plus the system includes the IviaSAT app that runs on a Apple Mac.  The app handles all the thrust equalization, shaft throw, and plumbing calculations.  The base system has been used and improved since 2002.  The inventor, IviaTech founder and professional engineer, has decades of experience in hydroelectric power engineering and service.  He started aligning units using the old 4-wire method and slug arc (hammer) and knew then there had to be a better way, ultimately leading to IviaSAT 2000 (the app handles the 4-wire method too, for those who want to compare).

You may find others in the industry that sell "plumbing" equipment and software but don't offer a fully comprehensive system that does all that is required to align a unit.  IviaSAT 2000 does.  Plus, we use what we design and sell.

Commercial availability: Taking orders from select past customers.   More details to come.

Interested?  Please send email with contact information and we will add you to the list.

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